The Blue Mosque

The art I have selected is the The Blue Mosque. 

    I have always been in love with architecture. Fortunately, when I was young my mom and I got to travel to Turkey. We have spent 3 days in Istanbul and it was absolutely amazing. I have countless pictures of our trip, maybe 5 of them is of my family and the rest is landscapes and architecture. 

    Unfortunately, we could not go inside. Our travel guide, which happened to be our friend that lives in Turkey, explained to us that The Blue Mosque is used by male population, hence no women allowed, where Hagia Sophia (literally across from each other, separated by a park and some tourist shopping stops) is for female population. However, from what we could see, on the inside it was just as beautiful and grand, if you walk inside it takes your breath away, as on outside. 

    I have never been into religion myself  but I have always been amazed by religious architectural structures of other countries and religions. I might not believe in religion myself, but I love to learn and understand exactly why it makes people believe, whether it is family influence or their own choice.


  1. Hey Sofiia,

    It was so cool to read your story of traveling to Turkey, and sharing your interests with religious architecture! I've never been outside of the U.S. and so I can only imagine how thrilling and unique traveling to other countries may be. It's interesting to know that in some cultures, genders are separated on such scales. I can see the appeal of wanting to learning more and try to understand lifestyles from different cultures and religion.


  2. Sofia,
    I liked how you picked this piece of art because you can relate to it.. you have LITERALLY been there and I think that's so unique. I also have an interest in such buildings like this. Gives us a new perspective on what are is.

  3. Hi Sofia!
    Your experience must have been so amazing! I have never been outside of the United States so I think it would be such a fun experience. Its very interesting that the religions are so different. I had no idea that they could be so unlike ours and their culture is so unique. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of artwork.

  4. This is a really neat personal insight into the Blue Mosque, and I totally understand being drawn to religious works like this. I have never been that involved in religion either, but I truly appreciate all the amazing contributions to art and architecture they have made throughout history. For much of our history religion has been the sole motivator for art, like during the middle ages when art had mostly a monastic base.


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